Video Podcast – Macworld Predictions

21 12 2007

[qt:/media/vodcast/ /media/vodcast/ 320 195]

iPod-Ready (257 MB)

High Quality (406 MB)

The iLife Podcast – Epoisode #1: MacWorld Rumors

Show notes after the jump. Read more…

Site Update

21 12 2007

Wow! has all the suddenly taken off! We are averaging almost 300 unique visits a day, which for a site that is not even two months old- is great! We love to see people enjoying what we create. With that said, things are going to be changing in the coming weeks. We have a host of tutorials, articles, podcasts, reviews coming your way in the very near future.

Also, we are working extensively on Macworld, while trying to do everything else at the same time. This explains the general lack of content this week (compared to last). We hope you understand that we have our hands full, and over the coming weeks there will be lots of great stuff ready for mass consumption.

Stick it out- things will be all good. (and look for a podcast coming your way, soon!)