Matt Dodd
The time has finally come! With Apple’s annual Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) beginning in less than 24 hours it is time to kick off our coverage! Sidney is currently en-route to San Francisco (US Airways Flight Number: 6431). Upon landing in San Francisco, he will be taking his spot in line. The liveblog is fully coded and ready to go for Steve Jobs keynote tomorrow morning. You can access it at If you can’t be at your computer during the keynote, which begins at 10AM PST (1PM EST); or you would prefer updates via SMS, you can get urgent updates from the keynote sent directly to your phone (expect about 10-20 messages). Finally, there we also added Twitter integration; so you can view all the updates in our Twitter feed (theilife). Stay tuned for the latest WWDC information here at!
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Categories : Liveblog, News, WWDC 2008
Matt Dodd
The following video is a brief synopsis of’s WWDC 2008 plans. Check it out, and tell us what you think!
[qt: 352 288]
Medium Quality (11MB)
iPod (30 MB)
Sidney San Martin, theiLife blogger will be attending this years Worldwide Developers Conference and reporting back for Sidney narrates this video, which is a brief synopsis of our plans for WWDC. Stay tuned at for continuing WWDC coverage- for the liveblog of the Keynote. You can sign up for urgent (expect about 10-20) messages from the keynote delivered to your phone via SMS here.
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Categories : Liveblog, WWDC 2008
Matt Dodd
As the week is drawing to a close, and with WWDC starting on Monday, things are really coming down to the wire. Yesterday, the SMS Updater went live, and if you haven’t already, please sign yourself up! Today the liveblog is up at its final resting location. You can now access the liveblog at Bookmark this address now for our live coverage beginning on Monday! Remember to stay tuned for the latest updates here at!
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Categories : Liveblog, Site, WWDC 2008
Matt Dodd
2008 is proud to formally announce that we will be liveblogging from the WWDC 2008 Keynote. This time around, we have refined our AJAX app from Macworld to be less server heavy so we can serve more users. The AJAX updater is still being tweaked, so it should be available by the end of the week. However, the SMS Updater is now live, so if you want to sign up to be updated with the latest urgent updates from the Keynote via SMS (expect about 10-20 messages), click here or the big shiny button below. Stay tuned for the latest information about WWDC here at
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Categories : Liveblog, Site, WWDC 2008
Matt Dodd

Reports are coming in the 5th Avenue Apple Store, located in New York City is being shut down. Rumor has it that Apple is filming a commercial for the new, unreleased iPhone inside the store. On the 5th Ave Retail Website, a message reads:
“Please note we will be temporarily closed Thursday, May 29 at 3:00 p.m. and will reopen Friday, May 30 at 9:00 a.m. During this time, please visit one of our other two Manhattan locations.”
The store is normally open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and has only closed on two occasions, for about three hours- the release of Mac OS X Leopard and the iPhone last June. TheiLife regular, Sidney San Martin is en-route to check out the scene, and should be reporting live within the hour- pictures, live blogging and a little investigative reporting to come. If you live in or near New York City, and would like to help contribute to the coverage, please feel free to contact us!
6:31 PM Sidney is off from work and en-route (via Subway) to the 5th Ave store.
7:30 PM Sidney is on the scene confirming that it is indeed commercial- there are booms and a Genie outside the store. He says that lighting is being setup to highlight the Cube and elevator.
7:37 PM Sidney has confirmed that there is filming going on in the store. Director chairs and people mingling around the tables. All computers have the Leopard aurora desktop background showing with no menubar or icons.
7:39 PM He can see into the Apple Store, and there are iPhone tables with cardboard around them. Most of the people are congregating around the iPhone tables. The cardboard is very eerie, very Apple, he notes.
7:52 PM The crew outside is discussing ways to get into the store, appears to be looking at a floorplan.
7:56 PM “I recognize the 5th Ave HR Manager standing outside the store. She is dressed well and clearly happy about this event.”
7:58 PM More lights are being setup around the outside of the Cube.
8:08 PM “Crews are all talking through radios. I wish I had a frequency scanner right now!”
8:11 PM The crews are hooking into the Fire Hydrant now. What the heck!?
8:33 PM BLACK CASES MARKED “Anonymous 5+4” entering store.
8:33 PM More black cases marked “Anonymous 4+3” entering store.
9:33 PM Sidney has to leave as his iPhone has died; the liveblog is over. The servers are being pounded from traffic from all over; including AppleInsider and MacRumors. Thanks to all who have visited!!
9:47 PM Almost the entire sidewalk is blocked off on 5th Ave, with the Apple employees pushing the line back as much as possible. Sidney has left for home.
Pictures after the jump! Read more…
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Categories : Liveblog
Matt Dodd
2008 will be covering the Boylston Street Apple Store opening, beginning at approximately 5PM Thursday, May 15th. All updates and pictures will be contained on this post so make sure you check back for updates!
4:57 PM Matt here, I am in New Jersey awaiting updates from our crew out in Boston.
5:04 PM If you want to find out more information about the new Boston Store, you can check out yesterday’s article here; or on ifoAppleStore.
6:00 PM The store is now officially open! Still no word from our on-site corespondents.
6:05 PM Adam is in line. He notes “[there are] more iPhones per capita in this line than anywhere I have seen other than 1 Infinite Loop” Picture added below.
6:13 PM Adam has sent another picture and notes that there are a number of news crew in attendance.
6:31 PM There are helicopters flying above the area. Another picture has been added, which Adam believes is the cause of the helicopters.
6:38 PM “Freinds inside say it is “sick” and like the “NY store but better”. T-Shirts come in small box and a few are left. I doubt I will get one.”
6:49 PM “I am approaching the corner, which is Boylston St. Cops everywhere. Cameras everywhere.”
6:56 PM “Getting close. Can see the store. One more wrap around.”
7:03 PM “DRM protesters handing out flyers and in front of store.”
7:08 PM “Very close. I hear they still have shirts.”
7:10 PM “I’m in. 7:10. Got shirt. Will send photo after. Staff cheers everytime someone walks in.”
7:34 PM “I am inside using an iMac now. I’m on the third floor. First floor is chaos with the entire entryway filled with employees continuously cheering as people enter. The third floor has demonstrations happening, an iChat one right next to me. They still have T-Shirts, one employee said they have 2,500 to give out. My friend told me there were Red Sox people here earlier, but I don’t know who they were and I have not seen them.”
7:43 PM Adam is just leaving the Apple Store. He has inclosed a picture of the T-Shirt below.
Photos after the jump.
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Categories : Apple Store, Liveblog, News
Matt Dodd
This will not be AJAX- you will have to refresh this page to see the latest.
6:09PM: We saw the MacBook Air commercial (#1).
7:00PM: Saw a Doritos commercial touting “Available on iTunes”.
7:53PM: Halftime Report: 1 Apple Ad, 1 iTunes Reference.
8:45PM: Pixar commercial for Wall•E!
10:07PM: The game is over, 1 Apple Ad total!
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Categories : Apple, Liveblog, Site
Matt Dodd

Many, many, people will be watching the Super Bowl tomorrow. Some watch just for the advertisements. That includes us — but as an added twist, theiLife will be at the computer, looking out for the Apple ads and providing a real-time count on the site. Apple is known to run ads during the Super Bowl — particularly special ads (read 1984 or iTunes+Pepsi). If there’s a new Apple commercial, we’ll be first reporting on it. Watch the game and check the site in case the bathroom calls and you miss this year’s Apple special. Coverage starts at 6:18PM, EST.
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Categories : Liveblog, Site
Sidney San Martín

We’ve just finished our 22-hour stint on the keynote line, and I’m joining you live from… Moscone South. No opportunities presented themselves for me to be admitted, so I was forced to part ways with Matt as he entered the building just minutes ago. I’ll be here throughout the keynote, monitoring and maintaining the liveblog. If anything at all’s awry, drop me an email at [email protected] or a message on GTalk (SidneySM).
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Categories : Apple, Keynote, Liveblog, Macworld 2008
Sidney San Martín
Sidney here. I’m up a bit earlier than usual today, and with a purpose: The iLife is heading to New York City to join in the opening-night celebration for Manhattan’s newest, largest, and most impressively designed store. (Fine, the 5th Ave Cube may still hold the “impressive” title, but this comes close.)
We’ve loaded our bags with equipment to bring you up-to-the-minute pictures, video, and stories from the line and the party. Stay tuned: we expect to be in line shortly after 3PM. (Admittedly later than the 4AM the top-ten had to shoot for, but not too shabby.)
Live updates after the jump.
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Categories : Apple, Liveblog, News