Live from the 3GS Launch at 5th Avenue

19 06 2009

This is our 3GS liveblog, straight from the plaza outside the Apple Store at Fifth Avenue. Keep it bookmarked and we’ll keep you up to date. If you’re viewing this from the homepage, you’re only seeing our latest update! Hit the jump for more.

June 19 7:32 PM
Purchasing iPhone in Apple Store
We’ve purchased and activated an iPhone 3GS in-store thanks to the friendly help of a 5th Avenue Apple Store employee.

Needless to say, we’re ridiculously tired. There are still plenty of stories to tell, but this liveblog is officially over. Stay tuned.

June 19 4:57 AM
After a little sleep (or something like it) we’ve been tranferred a few feet closer to the cube. We are now very-officially first and a representative with an iPod touch is moving through the line confirming reservations.

June 19 12:12 AM
All right, this is update-worthy: we were just offered a place to stay (an uninhabited building) by a possibly-homeless man. He has an immense key ring which I assume can unlock every un- and semi-inhabited building in the area. We had a bit of trouble communicating, but eventually he was able to make us understand. I’m not sure if he ever accepted that we’re out here by choice.

There are some awesome people out there.

June 18 11:51 PM

Line Close-Up 11:00 PM

Line at 11:00 PM
Empty Line at 11:00 PM

The rain stopped (finally!) and we’re almost all dried off. It’s now safe to break out the technology. There are ten people in line, but only around five buyers.

We managed to sneak into the Apple Store for a quick top-off of our MBPs, but were just kicked out so the store can be closed down.

Workers have climbed on top of the cube and have begun a cleaning of the whole outside surface.

Barricades have been set up throughout the plaza. It looks like they’re prepared for a huge turnout closer to 7:00.

June 18 1:45 PM
The crew at the store has been interviewed by Engadget, CNN, The New York Times, Reuters, Bloomberg, and Fortune. Impressive! But when are more people going to show up?

June 18 12:27 PM
First action inside the store. This sign just went up, telling us they’ll be closed from midnight until the (unusually early) 7:00 AM launch. You’d better get your late-night accessory purchases in before then.



53 responses to “Live from the 3GS Launch at 5th Avenue”

18 06 2009
Char (13:59:25) :

you guys are awesome~ i saw u guys from the engadget video~
thats why im browsing ur site now actually.. =)
keep it up!!

18 06 2009
Rohan (14:07:20) :

Dude you guys are beast! Live streaming the iphone waiting experience. Heard of you through engadget and it is awesome! Make sure to do an unboxing!

18 06 2009
ROFL (15:42:12) :

1) the g1 (google phone) has had all the same shit for at least 6 months! Compass, tracking your lost phone if you lose it in a cab, etc… 99% of this shit is already ON CHEAPER PHONES. You have got to be a retard, thoughtless apple fan to get this phone, in ALL HONESTY AND THOUGHT. Not to mention the g1 is over a year old, and the new one is going to blow ALL smartphones out of the water (google: bigfoot t-mobile)

2) Why wouldn’t you check the weather on YOUR PHONE? You guys don’t know the weather in the engadget video… You 2 guys, (and 1 fag) need a life.

I’m sorry, google is BETTER, AND CHEAPER. Cheaper phone, cheaper service, and I get free tethering in 10 seconds on any computer because the app is small and easy.

God, I just can’t imagine how thoughtless you must be to get this phone….HONESTLY!

18 06 2009
B.Davis (15:45:54) :

In terms of smart phones, I have used and tested them all. I AM NOT BIASED! I think the Iphone is awesome, its just highly overpriced.

The apple is great, but the G1 beats it all around, price, apps, cost, features. G1v2 (big foot by motorola) and G2 will surpass this phone by leaps and bounds. I KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT, BELIEVE ME.

So in the PDA/phone battle:


18 06 2009
JRoDDz (16:49:53) :

“When will other people show up?” Tomorrow morning around 6:50am. LOL

18 06 2009
animedbz16 (16:57:29) :

they wont show up, since they already pre-ordered it, got it shipped to their house and have a job… the world doesn’t stop for an iphone launch.

18 06 2009
Mike Pepe (19:09:41) :

People don’t get that you understand it could have been shipped to your house but the massive no cost promotion you guys are gaining from this is genius. From one entrepreneur to another, kudos guys!! Good luck tonight! (I found you guys from the Engadget vid btw).

18 06 2009
looook (19:52:09) :

i have a G1 and i love it but unless im getting payed im not gonna come here and advertise it lol you ppl are idiots everything needs a competitor if the G1 was the only phone it will cost thousands hahaha

18 06 2009
Tanya (21:15:09) :

hey guys! any updates? getting busy? when should I come join you?

18 06 2009
Sidney San Martín (22:20:21) :

Tanya: We’re still here. The rain slowed down our liveblogging, but we’re getting back up to speed. Stop by any time!

18 06 2009
Joe.smith (23:23:06) :

Survivorman NYC!

18 06 2009
Karen (23:24:51) :

If I’ve ordered phone from the 5th Ave. do you think arriving at 6 AM is too late to start waiting on line? I need to let my babysitter know what time to come in, single mom of 3 little kids. Any information you can share would be so helpful. Thanks.

18 06 2009
Keith Hobin (23:45:39) :

Karen: If you have all pre-orded the phone, then your guaranteed a new iPhone. The 7 AM start time is only for pre-orders, so getting in line a 6 AM should be ok.

Have fun with your new iPhone tomorrow, and we’ll see you in line!

18 06 2009
Frank (23:55:46) :

Keith, that’s not for Apple stores, only AT&T stores. Apples are first come-first serve. No guarantee

18 06 2009
Karen (23:58:32) :

Thanks to you both. Emailed the sitter, 6 AM it will be.

19 06 2009
Ted (00:07:39) :

I lived in NYC for two years. Now in Providence. U guys rock. Wish I could join U.

19 06 2009
Scott (00:17:46) :

If you pre-ordered at the Apple store, you are guaranteed a phone. I received this message a couple of hours ago. But I will be in line at 6AM 😉

“Just a reminder that you can purchase your reserved iPhone anytime tomorrow during business hours at the store listed below.* Look for a Concierge in an orange shirt when you arrive. We’ll help you complete your purchase, set up your phone, and get off to a great start.

Date: June 19, 2009

Location: Apple Store,
North Point

Be sure to bring these items with you:

• A valid, government-issued photo ID
• Your Social Security number
• A debit or credit card
• Your AT&T billing address

We look forward to seeing you.

The Apple Retail Store team

19 06 2009
madrigal13 (00:52:37) :

You should get some shots of them cleaning the cube. What do you guys think about AT&T and tethering chargers on iPhones with updated carrier settings; you think it’s possible for them to track it; heard of anyone getting “caught?”

19 06 2009
JerseyDeivl (01:05:14) :

How is the line right now? (1:05AM). Is there a live feed from the 3GS launch at Soho by any chance?

19 06 2009
drew (01:38:14) :

Scott, you didn’t read the whole email……..

“*Your reservation is valid until close of business on Friday, June 19, 2009. Reservation does not guarantee iPhone availability at an Apple Retail Store. iPhone is sold on a first-come, first-served basis.”

19 06 2009
Marc dlc (01:57:51) :

Hey i had the G1 honestly i dont like it anymore. i had it since day 1 i had tethering and everything on it, i had a rooted G1. I think the iphone 3GS is gonna be better and dont give me the whole tethering B.S. Ok i already know how to get tether on the iphone 3GS Too that new update Messed up the G1’s internet capabilitiesits much slower Now.

i think the iphone is pretty good Graphic wise and app wise because the apps for the G1 are pretty syupid not to be disrespectful or anything (Remember i had the G1 already) The new Google phone the “My touch” isnt going to be a badass phone as many of you think its gonna be a badass phone ones you Root it. the best app store APPLE

19 06 2009
tony (02:10:18) :

if i dont have a pre order the att store told me to com at 830 and that the store will open for me at 10 do you think i can get a phone

19 06 2009
Bren (02:27:31) :

Hi guys, I’m from the UK but was in New York earlier this year and you guys just reminded me of how great the place is. Stay safe.


19 06 2009
drew rosen (02:43:08) :

You guys deserve props! Hope you are “Digging the Moment” as we get closer to the opening of the Apple Store NYC and new Iphone 3GS. Going to try to make it down there at 5 to get you guys some dig the moment gear!


19 06 2009
Greative (04:52:55) :

You guys are amazing and totally out of control. Wish I could be there with ya.

G from SF

19 06 2009
Johnny (04:53:39) :

Hope you guys are having fun and didn’t get washed away. How’s the line looking now. People piling in yet?

19 06 2009
Bryant (05:14:47) :

hear is this info don’t now if it is relevant to the 5th ave apple store thou

the ups Flight number 1114 arrived at Kennedy airport and is now unloading to a ups center near the area

hears ho i am incase you don’t no

19 06 2009
19 06 2009
Chad (05:21:42) :

All the haters need to stop already. Nokia and Motorolla all laughed when the iPhone was released. They said Apple was getting in the mobile handset market too late in the game, but now who has the last laugh? Who has ever stood in line for a Nokia? People can hate all they want, but the truth is Apple has cornered a segment which makes people feel connected to their devices, actually passionate about them. Go into an Apple store and you will see people touching the machines and looking at them. The other computer manufacturers can talk crap and hate all they want, but the only guy ever excited to get a Dell was that Ben Curtis (Dell guy/dude) and look what happened to him! Just sayin..

19 06 2009
Steven UK (05:28:01) :

Hey guys, good luck from Scotland! Got mine 2 hours ago and it is amazing – well worth the wait – 8am in Scotland waiting outside an Apple Store! How mad are we? Enjoy the atmosphere!


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  2. iPhone 3G S line begins in NY, weather be damned – nerens
  3. iPhone 3G S line begins in NY, weather be damned || Tech News, Gadget News
  4. Apple Bloog » Blog Archive » iPhone 3G S waiting, hoping, livestreaming
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  7. iPhone 3G S waiting, hoping, livestreaming | iPhone Firmware
  8. iTweetie » iPhone 3G S waiting, hoping, livestreaming
  9. iPhone 3G S waiting, hoping, livestreaming | - Know everything about Apple products.
  10. iPhone 3G S waiting, hoping, livestreaming | Apple News
  11. iPhone 3G S waiting, hoping, livestreaming |
  12. iPhone 3G S waiting, hoping, livestreaming – Apple Investor in the Wilderness
  13. iPhone Central Station » iPhone 3G S waiting, hoping, livestreaming
  14. RSS News Portal » iPhone 3G S waiting, hoping, livestreaming
  15. Rant Anything! » iPhone 3G S waiting, hoping, livestreaming
  16. iPhone 3G S waiting, hoping, livestreaming
  17. TumbleTech » iPhone 3G S waiting, hoping, livestreaming
  18. iPhone 3G S waiting, hoping, livestreaming | iPhone 3G Tricks
  19. First Line Waiters Appear At Apple’s New York Flagship Store
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