Rain hits at 5th Avenue

18 06 2009

So Many Umbrellas
I just had to head for work (gotta make money to buy the 3GS), but the scene in front of the store as I left was worthy of a picture.

I got completely soaked in the half hour I was there, even with all those umbrellas, so, guys, I wish you luck.



2 responses to “Rain hits at 5th Avenue”

18 06 2009
Bradley Dichter (11:17:11) :

Where can I get one of those Apple logo umbrellas with the vents that avoid it being turned inside out in the wind?

18 06 2009
Sidney San Martin (11:34:43) :

Bradley: You might have to wait in line — or ask nicely.

Some Apple stores have secret stashes of these umbrellas to give out at product launches. They don’t turn up often.

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