WWDC 2008 Banners Up at Moscone West!
5 06 2008This evening, CrunchGear posted the first pictures of the banners in the lobby of Moscone West for WWDC 2008.

The two visible banners hung above the lobby read: “OS X Leopard” “The worlds most advanced operating system”; “OS X iPhone” “The worlds most advanced mobile platform”. On the wall, the third and last visable banner says: “WWDC 2008”, displayed on an iPhone over a MacBook Air with icons related to the iPhone on the right, such as the Phone application icon and the App Store icon and icons from OS X software such as XCode and Time Machine on the left. The MacBook Apple often hangs banners with black covering around them that contain unreleased information; however there has been no such sighting of that this year.
When Apple hangs banners for WWDC, there is often much speculation and analyzation of contents of the banner and meanings behind them. You can read the ongoing debate at the MacRumors forum; or check out previous (2007, 2006) years banner sightings.
More photos after the jump!

Meanwhile, doesn’t look like anything was revealed yet, so you can take a deep breath again and wait for Monday. But don’t go to far! Stay with theiLife.com coverage of WWDC- starting with the liveblog.
Just 1 thing, WWDC 2008, is not display in the MB Air, is in an iPhone that’s over the MacBook, probably becaus this year the’ll focus on the iPhone rhater than the Mac
Thanks for the correction- edited.