A Summary of Macworld
20 01 2008
After a very intensive week, with memories fresh, is time to reflect upon Macworld. This was my first Macworld, I actually won a Super Pass through the Mac Observer! The entire Macworld experience was amazing! It was the first time I was surrounded with people who are as obsessed with Apple as me not to mention, meet all the developers whose products I use everyday.
When we arrived to Moscone West Monday morning, we were met with a large, yet orginized line wrapping around the Moscone Center- very unlike other lines we’ve seen in New York City. The line was quick and painless and once inside I printed my badge from Axiotron, which is another story within itself.
Once inside and registered, we split up- Sidney went to start the keynote line, and I went to my AppleScript workshop. Durring my lunch break, I visited Sidney and let him use the facilites and eat food. You can read more about our line experiences here.
The workshop was interesting, and I also got a chance to peek around to the other workshops as well. After Monday, however, I didn’t get much time to go to my workshops and conferences because between waiting on line for the Keynote, the Keynote itself, and the show floor, there was no time to spare!
Now with some free time, I can sit and reflect upon the past week- so expect a number of articles about the many events. You should also start seeing all the interviews we conducted, coming up over the next week as well.