Macworld Update – We’re Listening!
10 01 2008
Okay, so as we are preparing for Macworld (ie; Coding AJAX day/night and traveling) things might become a little dry around here. But rest assured, we are going to be in full force all next week, with Macworld updates galore!
Specifically, for Macworld, we will have our AJAX Live Blogging app all ready to go. Infact, you can preview it here! You simply load up the 840X640 page and watch through photos and text, Macworld unfold (both the Keynote and Expo). The coding is nearing competition, look for it being released in the coming day(s).
Also, tying into the AJAX app will be our SMS Updater. You can choose to receive messages deemed ‘Urgent’ via text message. Look out for this coming very soon as well.
Additionally, we will be posting videos of us visiting various booths, covering product introductions and hopefully some interviews. These videos should be posted throughout the day. Lastly, we will be composing a video of our travels and experiences throughout the day (similar to the Apple Store West 14th Street video coverage) at the end of each day.
So, that is about all of our plans for Macworld 2008. Remember, if there is something you think we are missing, or any requests– feel free to shout them out or send us an email! We are glad to oblige to your requests! If you are anxiously counting down the days, check out our Widget for that as well.
Categories : Apple