Live from the 2008 Apple Design Awards (Liveblog and Photos) – WWDC08
11 06 2008
Since 1996, every year at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple has awarded the most innovative Macintosh software and related hardware produced by independent developers with a Design Award. Apple Design Awards are given away on a number of categories that vary from year to year. The physical awards have an Apple logo that glows when touched. This years Award Ceremony begins at 7:30 PST (10:30 EST). We will be bringing you live coverage with photos throughout the awards below.
The winners, in order of presentation:
Best Leopard Student Product Runner Up:
Flow 1.0.1 by Brian Amerige
Best Leopard Student Product Winner:
Squirrel by Axel Peju
Best Mac OS X Leopard Graphics and Media Application Runner Up:
FotoMagico by Boinx Software Ltd.
Best Mac OS X Leopard Graphics and Media Application Winner:
ScreenFlow by Vara Software Limited
Best Mac OS X Leopard User Experience Runner Up:
Checkout by Werk BV
Best Mac OS X Leopard User Experience Winner:
Macnification by Orbicule
Best Mac OS X Leopard Game Runner Up:
Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars by Electronic Arts Inc.
Best Mac OS X Leopard Game Winner:
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock by Aspyr Media, Inc.
Best Mac OS X Leopard Application Runner Up:
Bee Docs’ Timeline 3D Edition by Bee Documents
Best Mac OS X Leopard Application Winner:
ScreenFlow by Vara Software Limited
Best iPhone Web App Runner Up:
AP Mobile News Network by The Associated Press
Best iPhone Web App Winner:
Remember the Milk by Remember the Milk
Best iPhone Game Winner:
Enigmo by Pangea Software, Inc.
Best iPhone Entertainment Application Winner:
AOL Radio by AOL LLC
Best iPhone Social Networking Application Winner:
Twitterrific by The Iconfactory
Best iPhone Productivity Application Winner:
OmniFocus by The Omni Group
Best iPhone Healthcare & Fitness Application Winner:
MIM by MIMVista, Corp.
(If you want to see second by second updates, save our servers: please visit the liveblog!)
3:17 PM (PST) [Matt]: The Apple Design Awards post is live and Sidney will be lining up about an hour and a half in advance (about 6 o’clock PST).
4:56 PM (PST) [Sidney]: I’m in Presidio for another session. I might score a top seat while I’m here and just hold onto it.
4:56 PM (PST): I’ve taken my seat, this time slightly farther right, next to the left presenter display to better see acceptances. In my opinion it’s the best in the house.
7:49 PM (PST): Liveblog is up and running at check it out. Pictures to follow, on this post. Transcript of the event will be added later.
8:30 PM (PST): Event is over, everything from the liveblog has been transfered to this post, more pictures coming very soon (~15 minutes)!
9:18 PM (PST): All photos from the ADA are live, gallery is just after the jump!
Photos after the jump!
They awarded both of the best game awards… to ports.
Seriously, I would expect them to be more supportive of the native Mac OS X games that didn’t just use wine. Besides… C&C and GH are both way over rated if you ask me. But then alas… we live in a world without the amazing program Steam being native on Mac and so we have so few games available.
I can’t even remember ever seeing a game that is exclusive to Mac… unless you perhaps count Chess that comes installed already…
Who are the 5 iPhone Developer Showcase (SDK beta) winners?
ArtOfWarfare: Enigmo is native, isnt it? its “port” from mac os x, but iPhone is too os x…
and GH3 is not a port using wine… Aspyr is making “native” ports – but yeah, port is still a port
ArtOfWarfare – Absolutely. I was most surprised to see Enigmo, as there’s a boatload of innovation and new game designers coming out of the woodwork with the iPhone SDK, and Enigmo for the iPhone is IDENTICAL to its mac cousin.
Jack – The last five, just after Best iPhone Web App.
I don’t suppose there was any mention about why the AP Mobile News “web app” screenshots, actually look like screen shots from their native app, and nothing like the web app that the public can access? Or am I missing something?
Not to rain on your parade, but from what I remember Chess is actually a port of some open-source version of chess.