In Sync: Nuevasync has new features!
20 01 2009If you don’t know what Nuevasync is, see my previous article for more information and how to get started using it.
This just in! Nuevasync has just gotten better!
Nuevasync has now released two of their most requested features, Selective Calendar Syncing , and multiple, separate calendars (which you can color code!). You can sync up to 8 separate calendars.

You can now also sync read only calendars, like holiday calendars or anything else your given share only access to.
Also, unlike using Exchange with Outlook, your secondary calendars can have alarms and reminders.
How do you color code them? I am using the service (which is awesome) but I can’t figure out how to change the color. Especially my default calendar which showed up as yellow.
I believe It depends on the order you clicked the calendars, check the Nuevasync blog at
According to nuevasync support:
“Q: The colors of the calendars on my iPhone/iPod do not match the colors at Google. Can I change them to match?
A: Not on the device. The colors on the device are chosen automatically and as of firmware 2.2, cannot be changed manually. However, you can easily change them at Google to match what the device has picked.”
Nice Keith, so a half-truth in your post. You should look into advertising…..
>>>>>separate calendars (which you can color code!).
Yes! As long as you do not wish to choose the colors………..
I think Larry is less than pleased (as would I) with the Yellow color chosen for his personal calendar.
Come on nuevasync! You nearly have it right!
Sorry about that. At the time I wrote the article, my iPod touch was at apple for service, so I couldn’t test it out. But, the colors are still random. for example, my main color calendar is blue, the rest are orange, green, and red respectively. Try checking the calenders in a different order.