Matt Dodd

We are proud to officially announce our new podcast, generically dubbed (for the moment) “TheiLife Podcast”. You may have already seen Episode #1, “The Introduction”, yesterday, but I promise there will be more coming later this week.
We have also opened a podcast page, located here (and in the nav bar above). It is similar to our videos page, but no categories and only contains our Podcasts. We also have moved from ThickBox to LightWindow for our lightboxing needs! Wahoo!
We had to change our old lightbox because sometime over the weekend (while Sidney was working on our code’s w3c compliance), our old lightbox decided to act up on us! It stopped loading content in all browsers except Safari! Sidney spent most of the day trying to fix that fricking lightbox. So, out with the old, in with the new — everything is just about back to normal now (and a little prettier, to boot)! Just don’t try and use it with Internet Explorer. Don’t worry though, we will fix it… how evil do you think we are?! (seriously, though, it’s a known bug in either LightWindow or Internet Explorer, depending on whom you ask).
Sorry for the lack of content today, besides the fact it was a slow news day, we had a lot of bug squashing and code tidying to do! As usual, though, feel free to report issues with the site to [email protected] or in the story comments.
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Categories : Podcast, Site
Matt Dodd
We have spent an extensive amount of time over the past few days recording video podcasts. Keep on the lookout for some heading your way throughout the coming weeks! Below, enjoy a video introduction to the site and content to come.
An unnoticed issue in our recording system caused corruption of the audio coming in from the mixer. We fell back to in-camera audio (which doesn’t sound all that bad), but note that we do actually have a quite nice sound setup.
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Categories : Podcast, Site
Matt Dodd
With less than one month to go (and counting), we are beginning to sketch out our plans for event coverage (particularly the Keynote) online. As of today, I can say we are definitely offering two services for staying informed — an AJAX web application that will update with text and pictures as they’re uploaded, and an SMS updater.
The SMS updater (yet to be named) will allow you to sign up to be text messaged with the most urgent announcements from the Keynote. To sign up, you’ll simply enter your phone number, select your carrier, and verify that it’s your number by entering the verification code sent to you. There are no fees or catches — just standard text messaging rates.
The AJAX application (also yet to be named) primarily allows you to get live text updates via a web browser, no refreshes needed. But next to the text updates, photos will appear as they are uploaded. All, of course, with a slick and shiny implementation. Look for some screenshots coming your way soon.
Of course, this is the first preview of our Macworld plans, so expect more coming your way soon. We hope to have everything up and running at least a week before the Keynote. Of course, we always appreciate comments and emails from our readers, so feel free to pass on any ideas!
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Categories : Macworld 2008, Site
Matt Dodd
Here at TheiLife, we are beginning to plan some tutorials (ie, Screencasts) for release in the future. Before we make a move on some subjects that we think our readers might like- it would be awesome to actually hear from you! You can email us, or leave a comment below.
For reference, some subjects we are currently considering are:
-iPhone Unlocking
-Terminal and Mac OS
-Pro Apps (ie moving from iMovie to Final Cut)
Help us help you! Thanks!!
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Categories : Podcast, Site, Tutorial
Matt Dodd
So, as we are now approaching less than one month until Macworld 2008, the rumor mills are starting to churn out those crazy pre-Macworld rumors (do I hear ultra portable MacBook?) and I am preparing to attend! Being my first year as an attendee at Macworld I have started to prepare the LiveBlogging/rapid uploading of pictures throughout the keynote, for the site. Also, seeing that I live in New Jersey, I have a couple hundred thousand miles to travel and things to work out. I will certainly keep you all posted, and don’t forget that will be your one stop Macworld 2008 source!
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Categories : Apple, Macworld 2008, Site
Matt Dodd
One could say, this is yet another tech blog, but then again… they probably haven’t met me. TheiLife promises tutorials, rants, podcasts and more- keep in tune, go to the iChurch every Tuesday and keep Microsoft fanboys quiet.
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Categories : Site