Apple says “Lets Rock”: iPod Event Live Coverage – Liveblog
9 09 2008Although a writer from will not be present at the Let’s Rock event, theiLife will be providing a liveblog for readers to watch the events unfold live.

Information coming in from a collaboration of sources will be compiled and continuously updated on this page as the event unfolds. You can bookmark this page now, and at 10AM PST or 1PM EST, start your refreshing! For now, read up on the rumors!
1:25AM EST The liveblog page is up! Only about 12 more hours!!
9:58AM EST The rumor mill is heating up. There have been swirls of new rumors in these last remaining hours. The event is only about 3 hours away!
11:00AM EST Apple Online Store is down! It is getting closer!!
11:44AM EST Several people in Barbarian Group t-shirts have been spotted outside the event. Hmm.. that would corroborate with the Magnetosphere iTunes visualizer rumor.
12:40PM EST T-minus 20 minutes to the start of the event.
12:55PM EST Reporters are filing into the hall with rock tunes bumping!
1:01PM EST Steve Jobs just took the stage. Energetic and skinny, we hear.
1:02PM EST Over 8.5 million songs are available on iTunes. 125,000 podcasts, 30,000 TV shows, 2,600 movies, and 3,000 applications for iPhone and iPod Touch. 65 million user accounts on iTunes.
1:06PM EST“iTunes is getting some new content”. First is High Definition TV shows. HD shows will be $2.99 for computer or Apple TV.
1:07PM EST iTunes 8. The rumored grid view is true. Genius playlists can be made with just one click.
1:08PM EST NBC is back!
1:09PM EST iTunes 8 will be available for download today.
1:10PM ESTGenius information gets sent to iTunes to give them your musical tastes. It’s sent anonymously, and is completely optional.
1:13PM EST Steve just played a John Mayer song. The internet l0lz.
1:15PM EST iPod has a 73.4% marketshare. Followed by 8.6% for SanDisk, Microsoft with 2.6 and other for 15.4%.
1:17PM EST The 80GB is being upgraded to 120GB, and the 160GB is being discontinued.
1:19PM EST New skinny nanos are true. Skinny, rounded, and a lot like the 2nd gen Nano. Portrait aspect ratio plus the exact same resolution display.
1:21PM EST They have added curved glass over the screen, new user interface, and an accelerometer!
1:23PM EST Shake to shuffle is true. Shake the iPod nano, and it will shuffle.
1:25PM EST 24 hours music, 4 hours video. Jobs says that it’s the thinnest iPod ever.
1:26PM EST Purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, pink, and silver. $149 for 8GB; $199 for 16GB. Both are shipping today; 8GB’s shipping today, 16GB should be in stock by the weekend.
1:30PM EST New accessories including headphones and armbands. The headphone, actually, has an in-band control feature to have volume control, playback control (next, prev, play pause) from the button. There’s also a microphone on the back that works with the voice recording app. These will be $29 next month.
1:35PM EST Over 100 million apps downloaded from the App Store.
1:36PM EST New iPod touch has built in Nike+ support.
1:38PM EST Phil Schiller coming on stage to introduce some unannounced games.
1:39PM EST Demoing Spore. Moving to Real Soccer 2009.
1:45PM EST Now moving to Need for Speed Undercover.
1:48PM EST Both the nano and touch are arsenic-free, BFR-free, Mercury-free, PVC-free, and highly recyclable. Steve is back on the stage and calls the touch the “funnest iPod ever”.
1:50PM EST Touch battery life is 36 hours of music, 6 hours of video.
1:51PM EST The 8GB is $229, 16GB is $299 and 32GB is $399. All available starting today.
1:53PM EST iPhone OS 2.1 available for free for all iPhone and iPod touch users who are already on 2.0. Lots of performance and bug fixes within.
1:54PM EST Steve says: “Back to iTunes and iPod. We’ve got the best lineup we’ve ever had. We’ve sold over 160 million iPods. We’re ready for this coming season. And we really appreciate the chance to share that.”
2:03PM EST Looks like “Let’s Rock” is over with. Thanks for joining us!
Gallery after the jump!
Click to enlarge.
Photo credits: iLounge
Can’t wait, really want to see the new ipod touch specs!
Sweet lets see how we go!
Ready. Set. Apple!
is there where i watch the event live or not?
@chris This page will have text and picture coverage while the live event is unfolding. There isn’t a place to watch the event live (video) anymore, however. If that is what you want, you will need to wait a until a couple hours after it is over on
Hey I just wannna check the time zone differences by sending this message between austria and the place wherewer this webcast will take place.
u guys think were goin to have to wait till jan. to see the new macbooks and macbook pros??
Bring it on!!! Us Canadians can’t wait (*maybe we will get something before the USA – insert laugh).
@bart Maybe not January, but definitely it won’t happen today. Some are speculating October. Lets get over this event first though?
true … only 1hour 10mins to go!
Gee, I’m watching this from school on my macbook and soooo excited. I’m getting the new ipod touch as soon as the store comes back on!
@bart – The MacBooks are overdue for an update, so I wouldn’t expect an announcement as late as January. Like Matt said above, it’s likely to come in October. There have been leaked pictures of the cases floating around the internet, so they can’t be too far away.
Anyways, I can’t wait to see what they change on the ipod touch. I’ll likely be buying one as soon as they are available. Hopefully that’s tomorrow. What is apple’s track record with product release time after an announcement?
like, the day or next day of the event.
45 minutes left! w00t (sorry, noobspeak)
I can’t wait for the update to iPhone!!
i think apple has brain washed me. I’m far more excited than seems reasonable.
(btw – I meant update to the iPhone software)
why weren’t you guys able to be there?? Thanks for your work anyway!
Is the event over???
HAHAHA games for the mac what a joke MACS SUCK