
28 11 2007

The Videos section is in a state of maintenance. We’re leaving it up for use, but be aware that some elements may be broken for the next couple of days.



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$value) $categories[] = $key;

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–Sidney San Martín



7 responses to “Videos”

13 12 2007
Anonym (21:17:02) :

I love the YoYo Ma Commercial! (Like his music too) I didn’t know he made commercials for it! Great collection of ads Continue with it 🙂

13 12 2007
running (22:08:30) :

iBook commercial features Peter Petrelli from Heroes a.k.a. then-unkown Milo Ventimiglia 🙂

16 12 2007
Anonym (11:09:19) :

the 2005 NAB demo reel was not loading on my computer otherwise, its a great collection of Ads keep it up!

18 12 2007
Sidney San Martin (06:25:23) :

I’m loving the new Flathead 2 commercial!

The color silhouettes are great on black, and the whole thing has just enough chaos to be exciting without getting annoying.

15 01 2008
aaron (21:40:38) :

It’s fun to go back and see the older commercials. Keep up the good work.

18 01 2008
dlodewyk (03:43:04) :

Hey guys, I like the Ellen Feiss switcher add, good work, and good collection.

I hope to keep on seeing great content. I also liked your podcasts, are they available on iTunes ?

Keep up the great work,

12 08 2008
Sasha Lee Kay (03:41:00) :

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