TheiLife Birthday Celebration continues with 1Password: 1 Free License up for grabs!

23 10 2008

Like free stuff? Know how to write a comment on this blog? Read on for a chance to win a free license to 1Password!

In commemoration of’s first anniversary, developers from Agile Web Solutions have kindly provided us with one free license to their famed 1Password software to give away. For those of you who don’t know what 1Password is, you should check it out. If you browse the internet on your Mac I highly recommend you start using 1Password to save time and protect yourself from the dangers of the internet. Not only does it autofill forms and login windows but it can generate strong passwords and even sync this information securely across computers or to your iPhone or iPod touch! If you’d like to be entered to receive a free copy of 1Password, simply comment below! A big thanks again to Roustem of the 1Password team for allowing this to happen.

And, by the way, happy 250th post everyone!



9 responses to “TheiLife Birthday Celebration continues with 1Password: 1 Free License up for grabs!”

23 10 2008
Jacob Dodd (21:43:02) :

Once again, Happy Birthday The iLife!

23 10 2008
David H (22:21:14) :

Happy Birthday, iLife. Here’s to another 250 posts!

23 10 2008
Matt Pippen (23:24:19) :

It’s nice to see a company lend a helping hand for The iLife’s birthday.

24 10 2008
Hunt H. (00:09:17) :

Happy Birthday! Keep up with the great posts!

24 10 2008
Clint (07:30:37) :

Just found this site recently. I like what i’ve seen so far. Keep up the good work!

24 10 2008
J Miller (13:04:17) :

Enjoy your site.
Don’t tell anyone your wish before blowing out that candle.

27 10 2008
Sam Epstein (16:40:12) :

Happy Birthday!

9 11 2008
M. Rudjord (12:52:16) :

Happy Birthday. It is so nice to see that someone cares about the others and not just themselves.

8 04 2009
john stimmel (18:06:26) :

thank you all

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