Apple Store Willowbrook Mall Wayne NJ Grand Opening Report
13 09 2008Reporters Sidney San Martin and Jacob Dodd went down to the Grand Opening of the Willowbrook Mall today to check out the scene.

Today marked the grand opening of the widely anticipated Willowbrook Mall Apple Store in Wayne New Jersey. Rumored to be coming to the complex since March of this year, this Apple retail store marks the 11th to be opened in the New Jersey area. A line of perhaps 200 people formed outside of the store ahead of it’s official launch at 10AM. The store employees energetically participated in the event, dancing behind the glass facade of the store before the opening, high fiving customers as they entered the store and starting a chant of “Let’s go Apple!”.
As per custom, 1,000 T-shirts were given out to the stores first vistors. Several iLife staff members got a chance to test out some of the new iPod models, coming away particularly impressed by the new Nano, as has been reported by other sources it is quote “very sleek and and fits in your hand great!”. Many wonder if it will be possible to make the next generation of Nano’s any smaller without making a significant redesign to the dock connector, which has now become the bottleneck for the device’s dimensions. The Willowbrook Mall Apple Store is now the most conveniently located Apple retail store for most of the iLife staff, making this event particularly special.
Videos of the interviews conducted are coming soon! Stay posted to for the latest.
Photo gallery after the jump! Read more…
Categories : Apple