Website News!

4 02 2008

Ahh, time for a weekly update!

This past week was one of serenity- Macworld is gone and we have sorted out most media from it. Sidney and I recorded a podcast wrapping up Macworld. Spanning over this coming week, you will be seeing the remaining interviews we have from the Expo- but besides that Macworld 2008 is done for good.

Over last week, we added Twitter integration into the site along with a dedicated “theilife” AIM screen name. We are really trying to reach out to our viewers (you guys!)- because there are a growing number of you and we really thank you all for coming back. We want to be open to questions, suggestions and any feedback you have for us or the site.

We are trying to provide a unique perspective on Apple and technology in general. We are open to anyone wanting to join us- be it writing, coding, drawing or whatever. If you want to become apart of, just contact us! We want to make the site a diverse place- by getting more people involved, the better we become.

Have a happy Monday! How about those Giants last night??